Just 99 miles to go

Friday, April 07, 2006

Mid week evening ride

I made it out to Rosaryville Thursday night. I wanted to see what the new trails looked like that they had been working on all week.
They’re real nice.
They did 2 re-routes.
The first got rid of a rather dull ascent and added some milage.
The second got rid of a loose, straight, bomb down descent and added a little bit of mileage.
The guys did a great job on covering up the old trails.
I felt like an idiot. One minute I’m on the old familiar trail and the next I’m on the new stuff.
I couldn’t figure out where the old trail ran, and I’ve ridden this place atleast 75 times.
I ended up getting 2 loops in. I love daylite savings time.

3/4 of the way through my 2nd loop 2 guys passed me while I was taking a drink.
They’re wearing Bike Doc-Waldorf jerseys (my LBS) and I could tell they were moving.
Just for the hell of it I tried to keep up with them.
Not a chance.
I finally lost total sight of them after 1-1/2 miles.

I stopped by the Bike Doc the next day to get some brake pads and one of the guys who had passed me was in there working. He recognized me from the night before. I couldn’t say the same. As I’ve said before, all you skinny bikers with helmets look the same to me. I had met him before and did recognize him in the shop. He did the SM100 last year and finished in 8 hours and some minutes. Very fast. And they had only did about 3 miles by the time they passed me. I didnt’ feel so bad about not being able to keep up them after I found out who he was.

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