Just 99 miles to go

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I finally rode fairlands.

Jason A started advertising a ride at Fairlands on Wed nights a few weeks ago. Well he made the mistake of putting the word casual in the ride description. That immediately caught my attention. To be fair he did follow the word casual with moderate, but hey, you describe a ride like that and you take your chances on who shows up. If Aunt Bertha who chain smokes and is riding her brand new wallyword comfort bike shows up, you've got no one to blame but yourself.

To be fair to him, I emailed him last week to find out if the ride was more casual or moderate. I'm not a new rider who's new to MORE rides and I've ridden with him a few times. He could be honest with me. Well he promptly cancelled that weeks ride. Hmmmm, if I was a little brighter I'd think he was trying to tell me something.

So I figured I'd get up to this weeks ride. I would show up un-announced. He must of got wind of my plans somehow because he didn't show and sent his dad Wayne in his place to lead. From what I understand Wayne got suckered into it with the promise of a free trainer.

I left work in plenty of time to get to the trail head with 15 minutes to spare. That was until some assholes decided to play demolition derby on the beltway and get 3 of the 4 lanes shutdown. I'm driving the rest of the way up there, knowing that the ride will have tooken off by the time I get there. I was gonna turn around and just ride Rosaryville but then figured hell, its only suppose to be a 7 mile loop. I should be able to find my way around by myself.

Luckily, the ride actually started a half hour later than I thought. I arrive and see Wayne, although I recognized his vehicle more than him. Damn guy had lost 10 more pounds since I saw him last.

There ended up being 4 of us. Me, Wayne, a guy named John that I had met before on a Cedarville night ride, and a girl named Kit (or was it Kate) who has just came here from Ca. and this was her first Md. ride.

It was a good ride. The trails there are more twisty than the Rose, but I don't think you have as much climbing. For some reason we seemed to go down alot. Thats always a good thing. Wayne must have put some thought into the route we would take to manage that (yeah right).

I'm glad I didn't have to end up riding by myself. I would have gotten lost for sure. There are no signs out there what so ever. Wayne, who's ridden there a few time evan had to backtrack once. I'd still be there.

So I plan on going back next week. I'll see if I can actually get an idea of how the trail runs.

see ya

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