Just 99 miles to go

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Tuesday 3/1/05

Finally caved in today and made an appointment to see my sports doctor (Orthopedic doc). I guess that says something about a person when they see their sports doc more than they see a general doc. He did surgery on my arm about 4 years ago when I ripped my biceps tendon. I hyperextended my arm and ripped the tendon that holds the bottom of the biceps to the elbow joint. This looked freaky as hell. The whole biceps had bunched up right below my shoulder. I gotta cool looking scar outta the whole deal.

Its been about 2 1/2 weeks since my knee mis-hap at Elizabeths Furnace and its not getting better as quickly as I'd like. I figured I'd better let him look at it and make sure I didn't rip something. Its putting a limit on what I can do as far as training and I'm still walking with a limp.

Tonight nothing spectactular. Lifted some weights and did some crunches. I need some cardio. I'm real close to getting a trainer but I know the warmer weather will be here soon. The average highs are supposed to be in the 50's now. I'll probaly wait till next winter and spend the money on bike stuff.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Thanks Wayne, I shot you out an email.