Just 99 miles to go

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Rosaryville prayer meet.

I headed over to Rosarvyille in the early am for a ride, Paul , new guy I just met today, was leading before they did the scheduled trailwork.
By early, I mean 7:30. I don’t care what you think. Its early for me.
I pull up to mansion rd and the gates are still closed. I see 4 guys on the other side of the gate. "Are yall with the MORE ride?".
No theyre not.
So while I’m trying to remember the code that opens the gate I’m watching these guys.
I hear snippets of them talking to each other.
"3 laps", "are you ready", "prayer first".
Oh. One must be a comedian.
But the 4 of them line up at the gate and do a prayer.
I’m waiting politely until they’re done to start punching codes into the box to open the gate.
I’m figuring OK. I’ve heard people say grace at meal times. I’m expecting that.
2 minutes. Thats how long they sat there and prayed.
I could only thnk to myself, "Damn, if they need that much help maybe they should cut back on the pace".
They finally took of and I managed to get the gate open and meet up with the group.
I met 2 new guys, Paul and Chris. And the liason, DaveM was there.
We did 1 quick loop.
Some trialwork was scheduled today and this was a pre-work ride.
I kinda felt like a heal cause I couldn’t stick around for the work.
The youngest kid was having her opening season soccer game at 10:00 and I needed the Daddy brownie points.

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