Just 99 miles to go

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Exploring Cedarville

I think I’m coming down with a cold that my wife had last week. No real energy to get a good hard ride in but not feeling bad enough to go home and veg out on the couch. It’s times like this I’m thankful for Cederville.

I leave work early, cause the way I feel I’m not getting anything accomplished anyways. Get to Cedarville at about 5:00. With the sun setting early thats a max of 2 hours riding. I’m just going to spin around real easy and enjoy being out in the woods in the fall.

I take a little different route down to the white trail. I know this trail well as its the easiest and was my main choose during my early rehabbing. I’m just spinning along following the markers. As the trail turns left it leaves what looks to be an old abandoned road. Cedarville is full of these. They usually end up crossing the main Forest rd. somewhere down the line. Being in an explorative mood I decide to follow it and see where it takes me. I haven’t been exploring lately. It seems as if I’m always too busy trying to get "miles" in to build the base. Thats too bad really, cause I have discovered a few trails that add some milage if not new scenery to my rides.

I start to follow it and its obvious that this thing hasn’t been used for a long time. After a mile I’m off the bike hucking over downed trees every 20 yards. I keep wanting to turn around but I "KNOW" with my keen sense of direction that its about to intersect with the blue trail at any second, and the thought of carrying my bike back over the already crossed deadfall isn’t appealing at all. Finally I come up to another large down tree that to get around I need to really get off trail . I’ve had enough hiking in biking shoes and decide to try this another days with flats and tennis shoes.

I make the huck back to the white trail and finish up a nice peaceful uneventful ride.

Back at the truck I pull out the map of Cedarville to figure out how close I was to getting somewhere.
I’m just glad I stopped when I did. The road went nowhere. As of matter of fact it was heading away from the park and other trails into the bowels of Charles Co. I could have followed it another 20 miles and not hit anything.

It made me think about the trails in the local area and the way everything is being developed. I don’t think there are a lot of place around here where you could get totally lost and go in a straight line for 20 miles without hitting a road or subdivision.


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