Just 99 miles to go

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Rosaryville 2 laps, pretty good.

I've done 2 laps there before but I felt good after I finished. This was a real good night. Legs felt strong and everything worked.

Met up there with DaveM and did the firt loop. I think my exceptional good night might have given him the wrong impression about me and my abilities to ride hills. I was doing good tonight. He evened things out though as he could take corners faster and hold good lines better than me. I spent most of the time following him. He'd pull ahead on the tight curves, I'd catch up on the hills. It worked out good, I was taking my turns quicker than normal trying to stay with him.

I was pushing the limits of daylight on that second loop. Had to slow down a little at the end. I guess it won't be long until I'm making my way to Wakefield for the night rides. Damn I'm gonna miss summer. Other than the whole knee thing its been a good one.


Anonymous said...

Hey Tommy,

We should try to set up a weekly night ride in SoMD. C-ville, R-ville.
Wife is having ACL recon surgery next Thurs. So I'll be playing nurse for a of couple weeks at least. I'll probably call you for some advice. Later.

Tom said...

Wish her luck for me. Let her know the operation is the easy part, its the rehabbing thats a pain.

Night riding at Rosaryville is cool! Beats the heck outta wakefield.

Arleigh Jenkins said...

hey what's your username on MORE?

my email is arsbars at hotmail. I'll be away from the computer most the weekend (or trying to) but I'll get back to you ASAP

Tom said...

liltommy on MORE

Its a joke. If you meet me you'll understand.