Just 99 miles to go

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I HATE BUGS!!!!!!!!

That's it. I'm not riding cedarville again unless the temps are under 85 and the humidity is down. Why do the damn bugs thrive in this shitty weather.

I got out there at 6:30. Damn hot and humid. But that didn't bother me. I love sweating when I'm working out. As soon as I got within a mile of the lake area the deer flies started in. They were in my hair, biting through my gloves, and I dug a few from inside the jersey. And that was while I was riding. I stopped once to TRY to drink some water and they were on my like a fresh pile of horse shit. (Another reason I should buy a camelback).

That was it. I headed straight back to my truck and left. Theres nothing like parasitic bugs to keep your average speed up. I still got 10 miles in but didn't feel worked at all. I was out there Tuesday and it wasn't nearly this bad.

Made the trip to the basement when I got home to get some weight lifting in. I don't mind the butt that comes with the biking, but the biker chest SUCKS. I'll never be a half way decent biker. Everytime the upper body muscles start to shrink I panic and hit the weights.

I also finally got my MORE (local bike club) jersey in. Another dissapointment. Everyone told me they ran small so I got a 2XL. Its too small. I can get it on but it has that skin tight feel, especially around my mutant shoulders. I could probly get around the tightness but its also too short. Come on Tom, 6'-3", remember. Duh.

Oh well. Its like my wife tells me. "Its all good".
BTW, what the hell does that mean?



joe said...

sorry about the jersey fit... this batch has run smaller than the last across the board.

Tom said...

It ain't your fault Joe. You just worked your butt off getting the orders togather and delivered.

I'll probly wear it anyways and everyone can just talk about me behind my back. :)

Unknown said...

Hey Tom, bugs gotta eat too! I guess you just don't like to feed them! Well, guess what, neither do I![GRIN] By the way, new post on my blog with BIG news! At least I think it is! I have mosquito bites in places I didn't think mosquito's could get to from the ride I mention in the post! D@MN MOSQUITO'S!!!!!!!!!! The "Outlaw" trail I mention is swampy, muddy, mosquito infested and FUN!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Tom, I responded to you on my blog from your last comment. Thanks for visiting!

Unknown said...

Tom, check out my Sunday post! Be sitting down when you read it!