Just 99 miles to go

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Tour De France over.

Well if your looking for insightful thought on the race….look elsewhere.
I really had no interest in the race other than my interest in an American who made a comeback from cancer and was going for his 7th win.

On my ride at Cedarville on Saturday I passed a couple on the trail hiking. I saw their mouths moving, so I turned the ipod off real quick.
I hear a few words, "Lance", "yellow jersey".
I assume they were commenting on my yellow jersey and cycling.
They were smiling as they said this , so I sort of laughed and waved to them.
I’m not sure what a yellow jersey has to do with lance armstrong but I want to get this out.
Until I get my MORE jersey in the mail, I own 1 bike jersey.
Its yellow.
Not because of any interest in a professional biker or race.
Simply, its because I ride Cedarville during hunting season and I couldn’t find a florescent orange jersey.

The guy from comedy central had a good one on Lance Armstrongs retirement.

"Now Americans can go back to not caring about cycling"


1 comment:

Tom said...

I didn't say I had a hatred of road riding, just roadies :)

Are yellow jerseys one of those gay things I don't know about?