Just 99 miles to go

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Just another evening ride

Once again I had the dumb dumb moment this morning. I show up at physical therapy this morning. The receptionist tells me I’m not scheduled until tomowrow. Shit, thats the second time I did that. They offered to go ahead and take me but I had things at work that I had to get to anyways.

Being that I’m itching to ride with others my plan was to go to the MORE ride at Wakefield park in Va. Despite the fact that I’m still rehabbing , I think I’m doing pretty good on the bike. The only way to really know is to ride with others. As the afternoon gets later and later I’m checking the weather radar. Sure enough theres a big blob that looks like its heading towards the park. So I can sit around the office for another hour watching the radar, than maybe have it start raining anyways after I leave the office, or just go to Cedarville.

Cedarville won out.

I’m getting ready to go out and realize I left my waterbottle at my shop. I got a thermos full of iced water but no way to carry it on the bike. In desperation I start going through the trash that has accumalated in the bed of my truck underneath the gang box. Ah-ha, an old ,ancient, dirty , 16oz gatorade bottle with cap. I’m in business.

The weathers much improved from Tuesday, so there are actually others riders in the park.
3 guys pull up a little after me and get ready to go out. I passed them going the oppisite direction on the brown/green trail. This combo only has 2 entry/exit points which are on oppisite sides of the lake parking lot. I decide to have a little race and see if I can beat them back to the trail head. Evan in my race mode I can’t over work the lungs before the legs start cramping. None the less, I beat them back by a good 5 minutes. Another small victory for Tom.

Got 16 1/2 miles. Pretty good for a weeknight ride.

I’ve decided the next time I go to Cedarville I’m going to try go with the clipless pedals. I’ve got the ok to work the hamstrings. Maybe with the clipless I can finally go anerobic using all the muscles in the legs, not just the quads.



Unknown said...

Congrats on the ride, Tom! looking good! Keep up the good work! Something you might also try for the leg cramping might just be some LIGHT compression kneehigh support stockings(Sport type, not ladies hose!). They help support your muscles and circulation. They also encourage more muscle action as far as pumping the blood back up your legs and don't permit fluid pooling at your feet. If you get the old blood out faster, you get more fresh oxygenated blood back in!-also Tom!

Tom said...

I just gotta do a little bit more stretching than I have. I've been concentrating too much on quad rehab and not enough on the hamstrings. I know what your talking about, they had me in some sort of compression things after surgery. I refuse to go back.
