Just 99 miles to go

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

My own little big bear

I’ve been reading the race reports on the Big Bear race.
Thoughts going through my head about how I could’ve done.
So I decided to have my own little time trial at Cedarville.

2 loops of the yellow trail are about 13 1/2 mile.
I think BB was 13 and some miles.

I had my route planned.
I won’t bore you with the pre-race preparations.
There were none other than filling an old soda bottle with water.
(I’ve lost so many water bottles I’ve decided to go old school and cheap)

2 laps of the yellow, 13 1/2 miles, 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Thats elasped time, not riding time.

To tell the truth, I didn’t decide to go for it until 1/4 way through the first loop.
So I could’ve shaved a few minutes off.

Just my pathetic way at entertaining myself.

On another note my average weight is down to 230.
That 15lbs since February.



joe said...

sounds like you're doing well... just be careful. don't overdo it and set your rehab back or re-tear your acl...


Tom said...

I'm wearing a brace while I ride and although I'm punching it where I can, I don't take big chances on sketchy areas.

Just trying to keep some fitness level so I can try to jump back in with you "big dogs" when I get my sports release.


Your Name Here said...

Sounds like you'll be ready for next year!!!!
