Just 99 miles to go

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cedarville evening ride.

I pulled the plug on the Cedarville night rides.
You can ride until 7:30 in waning light. Plenty of time to get a ride in after work.
I'm done.

Met with a few of the regulars at 5:30 for an evening ride.
I found somebody who is worst on hills than me.
I don't get it.
On straights he keeps up, maybe evan can go faster than me but I lose him everytime on the hills.
I don't get it.
I thought I was the king of losing it when I came up on an ascent.
This is the first person I've had follow my butt and I'm hoping for a hill to come up.

Note: Today is the last full day of winter.
Gotta pull the shorts outta the mothballs.


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