Just 99 miles to go

Sunday, July 03, 2005

My endo at the beach.

I forgot all about my endo at the beach.
During my afternoon rides by myself , I would play this little game.
I’d see how far I could go north and south taking back routes behind the hotels and buiness’s.
You lost points if you had to had to get onto costal highway or the adjoining sidewalk.
Sort of my own little urban assault.
At one spot I had to get over 2 jumps.
The first was about 15" high and then immediately after a smaller one.
Well basically, I didn’t make it.
Got over the first but didn’t get the wheel up in time for the second.
My ass goes over the bars onto the asphalt.
I’m not wearing my lame knee brace and the whole time I’m in the air I’m thinking " Don’t land on the bad leg".
I got lucky this time, did a tuck and roll and got away unscathed except for a huge bruise on my butt.
Just like old times.

Thats what I get for trying jumps on the 26".

1 comment:

Your Name Here said...

And it isn't like the therapists and nurses are going to miss the bruise on your biker butt. ;)

Glad that was all that happened.

Talk to you soon,
